Saint Selah, NYC femdom, wearing black leather in front of white background

“One of your purposes on this earth is to become a very skilled top.”

It was the same internal voice I had only heard once before. When I was newly sober and learning how to exist in the world without numbing Myself, it told Me, “you are not here to be graceful, but rather to give and receive grace.” When that voice told Me to become a top, I did the same thing I did the first time it surfaced; leaned into faith, took action, and trusted it.

My life’s purpose is to diligently follow that voice, belonging to My Higher Power. That is why you are here now.

I am a military brat, and more specifically, I am the child of a gay army vet. Embarking on My study of power exchange, I fell in love with the history of leathersex, including its roots in gay military communities. Joining the leather scene as a young adult brought clarity to My entire identity, filling in gaps of My personal history I had no idea were incomplete.

Domination is My divine calling and My newest creative medium. Before this career, I worked as an artist and academic under high expectations from the public. If you are so lucky, I might divulge the details in time. Over the years, I’ve learned that BDSM and power play is far more consensual and mutually beneficial than My former pursuits.

When I am not playing professionally I am often found in leatherdyke spaces causing chaos or picking the brains of elders. Or, I’m fucking one of My partners in the woods. I am unapologetically queer, which likely explains your attraction to Me, whether that’s conscious or not.

I went pro with this work in 2023, apprenticing under a Femdom Collective in Brooklyn, NY. Today I am an Independent Dominatrix who revels in Her freedom, but I crave new knowledge the same way I crave your flesh– insatiably.

Saint Selah, NYC dominatrix, wearing black PVC corset, fishnets, leather boots, rosary. She crouches on concrete looking down at you




170 lbs



Shoe Size

late 20’s


I am athletic, completely unshaven, and I have a double mastectomy.

Words subs often use to describe Me:













〰️ Intuitive 〰️ Sadistic 〰️ Energetic 〰️ Hypnotic 〰️ Nurturing 〰️ Inviting

Honorifics, depending on our dynamic:

Mistress, Ma’am, Mommy/Daddy (with negotiation) Mother, Superior, Sister, Saint, God

She, They… I like flexibility. No matter what, My pronouns are always capitalized.
